The Taming Power of the Small

This week's newsletter is devoted to manifesting small things over time when necessary inspired by the I Ching's "The Taming Power of the Small."

Here is a section of my 2024 vision board: you can see that "Art" takes up a large portion. Although I am a maker of art, for years the only artwork I made was for birthday gifts. But I'm going for the small steps over time approach and begin this summer.

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Hexagram #9 Mug

Get the first ever I Ching design of Hexagram #9 Taming of the Small.

The Taming Power of the Small

This summer I've committed to manifest the art-making section of my vision board. My schedule is tight, but I've decided to spend this summer cultivating daily art habits, no matter how tiny… even if it’s on the scale of nanoparticles because I’m determined to manifest “making art consistently.”

I do believe that manifesting starts with aligning your core self with your intentions then getting into action. According to productivity experts, the best actions are consistent and, initially, rather small in scope.

The book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is really brilliant and I've applied its principles to work projects. It has great advice to manifest concrete change in your life but its principles of daily tiny habits doesn’t work with me for art making.

This is why I pulled out one of my favorite I Ching Hexagrams called “The Taming Power of the Small” to get inspired by its poetic depiction of productivity and maybe inspire you along the way.

It’s an ancient (think 1040 BC) Chinese divination text considered a foundational work in Chinese philosophy and cosmology. Traditionally, the I Ching is used as a divination tool. Practitioners ask a question and then generate a hexagram using methods such as casting yarrow sticks or tossing coins.

The resulting hexagram is then interpreted to provide guidance and insight. I’ve been throwing I Ching coins since high school so the 64 Hexagrams in the book are all too familiar to me now. And one of my favorites is the Hexagram 9, known as "The Taming Power of the Small."

The image for Hexagram 9 is one of wind blowing clouds symbolizing rains are coming, even when the skies remain dry for now. It embodies the feeling of "not quite yet" teaching patience and faith in the natural unfolding of events.

The Taming Power of the Small embraces taking small steps, recognizing the value in each gentle action. This process involves accepting restrictions quietly and being content with gradual progress.

There are notable differences between the more contemporary Atomic Habits versus I Ching Hexagram 9, "The Taming Power of the Small." While both approaches advocate for the power of small, consistent actions, my spiritual and artistically driven nature means that the methodology behind Atomic Habits doesn't fully resonate with me.

Atomic Habits revolves around the idea that performing small daily habits can help create a new identity, which in turn solidifies those habits. However, as someone who already identifies as an artist, the act of doing art isn't about making a new identity—it's about expressing my existing essence.

For me, artistic creation is an act of self-love, giving myself time to nurture my spirit, and a way to tell stories in the material world by touching and making things without interacting with the digital world. My focus is on the intrinsic joy of creating rather than the extrinsic goal of identity formation or creating a lifetime of systems.

By adopting the Taming Power of the Small, I'm learning to appreciate the subtler, quieter ways of manifesting my creative aspirations. It's a practice that aligns with my spiritual beliefs, allowing me to connect deeply with my work and trust in gradual, gentle growth.

Astrology Forecast: May 23-30

The Sun trines Pluto RX in Aquarius revealing what is a better choice now based on what you’ve been learning in recent years, and you could feel a powerful knowingness directing you forward.

A bright, beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon at 3 deg on May 23 is directing you beyond what you’ve trusted before.

Venus is conjunct Jupiter at 29 deg Taurus exactly on the Full Moon, and both sextile Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees, which is receptive, creative, and allowing energy that offers support.

Mars in Aries will ignite the Solar Eclipse point and then be conjunct Chiron on May 29, signaling that it is important to remain cautious around new endeavors.

May 18th is set to sparkle with celestial energy! Venus joins forces with Uranus at 23 degrees Taurus, while the Sun joins with Jupiter at 28 degrees Taurus. This potent day promises a shower of good fortune, exciting breakthroughs, and significant progress in all things Taurus.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead, and I'm already excited about what we'll explore in next week's email.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
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113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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