In Case We Haven't Met

I've been holding onto something special for quite a while, and I'm finally ready to share it with you. It's time to reveal my personal journey with vision boards, how I became an expert, and why I'm passionate about teaching this transformative process.

In this newsletter I'll take you on a behind-the-scenes look at my life and how I became a vision board expert in a video that tells all.

I'll also explain the 5 unique approaches I've developed for teaching vision boards and helping individuals unlock their potential and manifest their dreams.

So, get ready for an inspiring and insightful newsletter issue. My story is just the beginning of what I hope will be a transformative journey for you as well.

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I am a vision board and creative visualization expert, dedicated to helping people express and manifest their authentic selves, leading them to live more creative, loving, and genuine lives.

Throughout my career, I have contributed to various artistic and professional fields to honor the human spirit. My journey began with my unique painting approach, which I called 'Cubism for Girls.' Venturing into music, I played in a punk rock band for years then I founded and played bass in the first R&B cover band featuring drag queen vocalists.

I co-founded 5 Dynamics, where I created patented tools and software for coaching and employee development, focusing on learning styles and neurodiversity. I further expanded my portfolio by co-creating an online Life Purpose Assessment and book for philosopher John Voris.

Always pushing boundaries, I introduced fresh methods of creating both traditional and digital vision boards while practicing creative visualization.

I taught art and vision board making at a Boston art school. This led me to the idea of publishing vision board clip art books for students without access to magazines. My first book, “2020 Vision Board Clip Art Book,” was a big success, followed by the “Premium Vision Board Clip Art Book.”

I attended Massachusetts College of Art, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University, the Art Student League, and the New York Studio School.

I enjoy painting and writing and love spending time with friends and family, eating, drinking wine, and dancing until it's time to floss and go to bed.

Then I'm up before the crack of dawn to do it all over again.

5 Vision Board Cornerstones

Introducing my 5 unique discoveries that have shaped my approach to teaching and creating vision boards

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Manifesting:
Adapting Vision Boards and Creative Visualization for Neurodiversity

Incorporating neurodiversity and learning styles into the manifesting process using vision boards and creative visualization can open a whole new world to neurodiverse individuals. By acknowledging and understanding that every individual processes information differently, we can tailor the visualization techniques to suit various learning styles - be it visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic.

This inclusive approach not only makes the experience more engaging but also guides the user to become more creative and feel more confident as they realize their intentions.


Vision Board Interpretation, Readings and Symbolism

Drawing from my knowledge of art therapy, fine arts symbolism and personal intuition, I offer insightful Vision Board Interpretations and Readings. I can unravel the deeper messages within your vision board, identifying unconscious symbols and the relationships between various elements.

This provides a profound understanding of what your vision board truly communicates, enhancing your journey towards your goals. It offers incredible insight into its true message and aiding your progress towards your aspirations.

Digital Vision Boards: A Dynamic Storytelling Approach

I've developed an innovative method for creating Digital Vision Boards that go beyond traditional collages. By utilizing slide presentations, you can transform vision boards into dynamic storytelling tools. This approach offers individuals a more comprehensive and effective way to manifest their desires.

Each slide can be dedicated to a specific aspect of the desired outcome, allowing individuals to delve into the details and explore the various facets of their goals. This depth and breadth make it easier to visualize the desired future and identify the steps needed to achieve it.

Furthermore, slide presentations offer a visual storytelling format that can be customized to suit individual preferences. Users can incorporate images, text, audio, and video elements to create a visually appealing and engaging presentation.


Creative Visualization Manifesting Formula: The 3 A's of Manifesting

I've distilled the essence of manifesting into a simple yet powerful framework: the 3 A's. This approach combines the principles of creative visualization three different techniques depending on the content of each intention.

The first A stands for Attraction. By aligning your energy with your desires, you create a powerful magnetic force that draws what you want towards you. Imagine your dreams as seeds planted in fertile soil; with the right energy, they flourish and grow. This alignment isn't merely a passive state; it requires active participation. Visualize your desired outcome with vivid detail, feel the emotions associated with it, and believe wholeheartedly in its manifestation.

The second A is Action. Once you've set your intention and aligned your energy, it's time to take inspired action. This involves visualizing and identifying the steps needed to reach your goals and overcoming any obstacles that may arise.

The final A represents Adaption. This step is often overlooked but crucial. As you work towards your goals, you may need to adapt yourself to align with the new intentions. You become the person that achieves their desires. This involves personal growth, self-discovery, and a willingness to embrace transformation and releasing what no longer serves the person you are becoming.


Vision Boards for Manifesting Authentic Self Actualization

As a guide and mentor, I take a holistic approach to Vision Boards, focusing not only on tangible goals like cars, houses, or partners, but also on fulfilling one's true potential. I believe that true manifestation lies in aligning our desires with our authentic selves.

While material goals are valid and important, I encourage individuals to explore the underlying motivations behind their desires. By questioning the core of their yearnings, we can uncover deeper, more meaningful aspirations. This approach ensures that our pursuit of external success is aligned with our inner growth and self-actualization.

When we create a balanced life that encompasses both material achievements and inner fulfillment, manifestation becomes a truly rewarding and sustainable process. This approach empowers individuals to not only achieve their goals but also to grow and evolve as they journey towards their desired future.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is:

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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