Take a Manifesting Vacation

Discover how taking time to stop manifesting can enhance your body, mind, spirit and even manifest your intentions more.

For the 4th of July I'm taking a vacation from manifesting and the newsletter. I'm heading to Colorado for a few weeks to be with family. I'll share the vacation from manifesting insights in the next newsletter on July 17th.

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's poll on the type of content you'd like to see more of from me. I'm excited to announce that Vision Board Manifesting was the winner! 🏆

Vision Board Manifesting is something I've been wanting to create a series on so this gives me the motivation to do so.

I'm also preparing for the 2025 Vision Board Season which will include new books and Digital Vision Board Templates.

Have a fantastic holiday and happy summer!

Vision Boards
T-Shirt 🤩

Showcase your passion with the "Vision Boards" T-Shirt. Featuring a vibrant painterly swash of bright colors with a contemporary font adding a modern touch.

A Vacation from Manifesting

If you're into manifesting then visualizing goals is ingrained in our daily mindset. Yet, what if sometimes stepping back for a manifesting vacation is crucial for realizing our intentions?

I think it benefits our body, mind, soul, in addition to our beloved intentions when we distance ourselves from manifesting.

We often gain a clearer perspective when we distance ourselves from something. This phenomenon is well-documented in various fields, including psychology and creative arts.

By stepping away, we allow our minds to process information differently, often leading to unexpected insights and ideas.

While in art school my teachers constantly reminded me to step back from my work. This practice helped me see the overall composition and spot areas needing adjustment.

In the same way, taking a vacation from manifesting allows us to see our “manifesting work” from a different perspective and identify areas that need adjustment by being far away from it.

I am a firm believer that we can improve our practice by reassessing our goals and strategies. This is because we are constantly changing and growing.

What was important last month may not be as urgent this month. Sometimes our genuine values present themselves because of a growth spurt and we must take stock in new pursuits because of that.

Or we ran into some challenges that prevent further action and must re-evaluate our next manifesting steps.

These things can all happen yet often we don’t change our vision board or our intentions.

I think a vacation is a terrific way to just “be” in the new skin we’ve grown and perhaps didn’t get a chance to experience because we’ve been so busy.

When we return to normal life we somehow change a bit. I think taking advantage of the vacuum a vacation provides is a good thing to do for our manifesting practice.

Stimulate the Mind

Vacations are not just about relaxation. They're also about stimulation. Traveling to new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures can provide a wealth of new stimuli for the mind. This kind of mental refreshment is essential for maintaining positive vibes and creativity.

When we are constantly focused on manifesting, our neural pathways can become entrenched in specific patterns of thinking.

By exposing ourselves to new experiences, we can break these patterns and open up to new ways of thinking. This mental flexibility can enhance our ability to manifest our desires more effectively in the long run.

Balance Your Brain Chemistry

Another great benefit of taking a break from manifesting is the chance to rediscover joy in the present moment. It also gives your brain a nice boost of serotonin, that feel-good chemical.

Often, our relentless pursuit of future goals overshadows the simple pleasures of everyday life. This can flood our bodies with adrenaline and dopamine.

By intentionally stepping back from manifesting, we can be fully present and appreciate the beauty around us. This break helps reduce dopamine levels. It allows them to reset while giving serotonin more time to work its magic.

This mindful approach to living can lead to greater happiness and satisfaction. It can also be like getting a neurotransmitter oil change.

Enhance Physical Health

Taking a break from manifesting can also offer significant benefits for our physical health. Chronic stress and constant focus on goals can take a toll on our bodies, leading to fatigue, weakened immune response, and other health issues.

We give our bodies the chance to recover and rejuvenate when we allow ourselves to rest and be present.

In essence, prioritizing periods of rest can create a foundation for a healthier, happier life, making us more resilient and energized when we return from our manifesting vacation.

Reconnect with Your Spirit

Taking a manifesting vacation benefits the mind and body. It also deeply nourishes the spirit. By stepping back from constant visualization, we create space to reconnect with our inner selves. This helps us tap into the essence that drives our deepest aspirations.

This spiritual renewal can refresh our manifesting process with new purpose and authenticity. Daily life and relentless goal-setting often drown out this inner guidance. The silence of a manifesting vacation lets us listen to our soul's whispers.

Give Neural Pathways a Rest

Our brains are incredibly complex organs that require rest and recuperation to function optimally. Just as our muscles need time to recover after a workout, our neural pathways need downtime to reorganize and strengthen.

Continuous focus on manifesting without any breaks can lead to mental fatigue and burnout.

Taking a vacation from manifesting gives our brains the opportunity to rest and reset. During this period, our neural pathways can reorganize, making them stronger and more resilient. When we return to our manifesting practices, we do so with a renewed sense of energy and a more robust mental framework.

Bring on the Gratitude

Another profound way a manifesting vacation helps our spirit is by allowing us to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude. It can be more challenging to stay with gratitude when we are surrounded by the same old things and circumstances.

A change in our environment gives us the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the small victories, the people who support us, and being alive.

Gratitude acts as a powerful magnet, drawing more of what we're thankful for into our lives. By taking the time to reflect on our blessings, we enhance our emotional and spiritual well-being.

This practice helps to break cycles of negativity and stress, replacing them with feelings of joy and contentment. A manifesting vacation provides the perfect opportunity to align ourselves naturally with gratitude.

Why Not Take a Manifesting Vacation

In the quest for self-improvement and achieving our dreams, it's easy to become obsessed with the practice of manifesting.

However, taking a step back can be just as crucial as the active pursuit of our goals and/or aligning with the law of attraction every moment.

Allow yourself the time and space to rest, explore, and gain new insights. When you return, you'll be equipped with a fresh perspective and renewed energy to manifest your dreams more effectively.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead. I'll see you in two weeks while I take my own vacation.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is: hello@misswells.com

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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