Master Manifestation Through Your Unique Learning Style

This week's email is about the power of manifesting tailored to your unique learning styles.

Charlie the dog is visiting me this week as his parents are on vacation. We'll be making a vision board together.

Here is a little Instagram video where I explain to Charlie what I do for work.

I'm excited to highlight a special Father's Day edition from the Miss Wells Design Collection: "My Dad Totally Manifested Me."

Plus at the end of this email learn how with the abundance of Gemini energy and mental activity in the air, it's crucial to stay grounded and temper any potential overwhelm.

Discover the magic of personalized manifesting.

Father's Day T-Shirt Gifts

Have your kids where these fun Father's Day t-shirts for the big day. Also, shop for men's sizes for "I Totally Manifested My Kid(s)" in the shop.

Manifest with Your Learning Style

The process of manifesting isn't one-size-fits-all. Just as we have unique fingerprints, our learning and manifestation styles vary significantly.

Understanding your unique learning style can optimize your manifesting techniques, making your practice more effective and aligned with your natural tendencies.

My professional background includes co-founding and serving as the CEO of a learning style assessment and employee development tool in Silicon Valley.

With extensive knowledge of learning styles and personality types, I decided to apply some foundational principles to the practice of manifesting and creative visualization.

Most people associate manifesting with creative visualization and vision boards, using imagery to bring their desires to life. While this works wonderfully for some, a significant portion of the population doesn't think in pictures at all.

CLICK HERE If you want to take a test and discover your learning style.

Let's explore the four basic learning styles and discover how each can harness manifesting techniques tailored to their strengths.

Visioning Learners

Visioning learners thrive on images and imagination. They are the lucky ones who can naturally picture their intentions vividly.

They find it easier to recall images rather than words, as they can visualize the image in their mind, which is often more intuitive than remembering text. Additionally, using lots of color can create more visual appeal and stimulation, aiding in the manifestation process and helping you vividly visualize your goals and intentions.

How Visioning Learners Best Learn

  • Using Images: Visioning learners absorb information through visual stimuli such as pictures, diagrams, and mind maps.
  • Imagination: They excel in environments that allow them to visualize concepts and scenarios.

Manifesting Tips for Visioning Learners

  • Vision Boards: Create physical or digital vision boards filled with images that represent your goals.
  • Creative Visualization: Spend time daily visualizing your goals as if they are already achieved. Focus on the details and immerse yourself in the imagery.
  • Mind Maps: Use mind maps to organize your visualization practice. This helps in breaking down your goals into manageable steps and visualizing the connections between them.

Speaking Learners

Speaking learners, or auditory learners, process information best through listening and speaking. They thrive on dialogue and verbal exchanges.

Auditory learners can harness the power of manifesting and creative visualization by listening to achieve their goals and intentions.

Reading the material out loud allows them to hear and internalize the concepts more effectively. Additionally, participating in discussions about what their intentions are can further reinforce their understanding.

How Speaking Learners Best Learn

  • Talking: Engaging in discussions helps them grasp and retain information.
  • Listening: They benefit from auditory inputs like lectures, conversations, and audio recordings.

Manifesting Tips for Speaking Learners

  • Guided Meditations: Listen to guided meditations that support your goals or record your own affirmations.
  • Verbal Affirmations: Describe your intentions out loud as if you are sharing news or giving a speech. This reinforces your commitment and clarity.
  • Discussions: Engage in discussions about your goals with a trusted friend or mentor. Verbalizing your plans can provide new insights and motivation.

Reading-Writing Learners

Reading-Writing learners assimilate information through reading and writing. They find clarity and focus in written words.

Read/write learners can effectively utilize manifesting and creative visualization by engaging deeply with reading and writing activities to realize their goals and intentions. Courses and studying about law of attraction, goal achievement and personal growth are well-suited for these types of learners.

A valuable habit for read/write learners, is to rewrite explanations and notes in your own words. If you find it challenging to rephrase a definition or describe a concept concisely, it may indicate that you haven't fully grasped the material. In such cases, revisit the concept for further clarification. This practice not only enhances your comprehension but also aids in visualizing and manifesting your academic and personal goals.

How Reading -Writing Learners Best Learn

  • Writing: They excel at processing information through writing, whether it's notes, essays, or journaling.
  • Reading: Absorbing content through reading helps them retain and understand concepts deeply.

Manifesting Tips for Reading -Writing Learners

  • Journaling: Keep a manifestation journal where you write down your goals, progress, and reflections. This reinforces your commitment and tracks your growth.
  • Written Affirmations: Write affirmations and place them around your living space. Seeing these reminders daily keeps you aligned with your intentions.
  • Detailed Vision Boards: Create vision boards that incorporate detailed descriptions and keywords alongside images. This combines visual and textual elements to reinforce your goals.

Moving Learners

Moving learners, or kinesthetic learners, engage with the world through movement and physical activities. They learn best by doing and experiencing.

Kinaesthetic moving learners can harness the power of manifesting and creative visualization by engaging in hands-on activities to realize their goals and intentions.

How Moving Learners Best Learn

  • Movement: Physical activity and hands-on experiences help them grasp and retain information.
  • Gestures: Using gestures and reenacting scenarios aids in understanding and memory retention.

Manifesting Tips for Moving Learners

  • Physical Visualization: Act out your intentions through movements and gestures. For instance, if you desire a promotion, practice walking into your boss's office and accepting the new role.
  • Sensory Engagement: Incorporate all senses into your visualization. Imagine the smells, textures, and sounds associated with your goals.
  • Active Practices: Engage in activities like dance, walking, or exercise while visualizing your intentions. This physical engagement reinforces your mental imagery.

Understanding your unique learning style can transform your manifesting practice from a cookie-cutter approach to a personalized, effective strategy.

Embrace your authentic learning and manifesting style, and go forth to make your dreams a reality.

By aligning your manifesting techniques with your natural learning tendencies, you unlock a more powerful and fulfilling path to achieving your goals. Whether you're a Visioning, Speaking, Reading-Writing, or Moving Learner, there's a tailored approach waiting to elevate your manifesting practice.

CLICK HERE If you want to take a test and discover your learning style.

You may discover that you are a combination of styles, allowing for a blend of techniques to suit various intentions and circumstances.

Astrology Forecast: June 6-June 13

The Gemini New Moon at 16° today is a perfect time for fresh beginnings, particularly in areas related to communication, ideas, and personal expression.

This lunation encourages new stories to emerge and brings an influx of curiosity and flexibility into your daily life.

Gemini's influence extends to short-term travel, your immediate surroundings, and everyday tasks, making it a time to juggle multiple interests and activities.

With the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus all in Gemini, this period is exceptionally busy and mentally stimulating, perfect for those who can stay organized and prioritize effectively.

However, the high energy can also lead to mental fatigue and overwhelm if not managed well. Use this New Moon to refocus on what's truly important, set clear priorities, and communicate your needs effectively to avoid feeling swamped by the multitude of tasks and information.

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th, bringing a shift towards commitment and practicality. Where Mars in Aries was all about initiating and charging forward with fiery impulse, Mars in Taurus slows that momentum, grounding it with a practical approach.

This energy focuses on what is needed to move plans forward realistically, making it an ideal time to assess resources and create concrete steps for progress. This shift can feel like a welcome change for those with Earth sign placements, as Mars in Taurus becomes more levelheaded, focused, and grounded.

However, this transition isn't without its challenges. Immediately, Mars in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius on June 10th and 11th. This aspect might feel like a standoff between two areas of your life, as both Mars and Pluto are in fixed signs and resistant to change.

Pluto's influence brings attention to what's outdated and needs deconstructing, while Mars in Taurus focuses on simplicity and practicality. The tension between these energies may highlight where things have become overly complicated, urging you to streamline and simplify your approach.

Saturn in Pisces, now at 19°, is slowing down as it prepares to go retrograde on June 29th. This builds Saturn's energy, making it more deliberate and impactful.

Following the Gemini New Moon, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury will each square Saturn at 19° Pisces—Venus on June 8th, the Sun on June 9th, and Mercury on June 12th.

These squares prompt us to reassess and think things through carefully. You might experience delays or feel blocked, perceiving setbacks in your plans and communication.

With the strong Gemini energy making our minds highly active and alert, it's crucial to not overlook intuitive insights. Saturn in Pisces serves as a reminder to slow down and check in with your feelings and inner wisdom.

This period encourages you to integrate intuitive guidance alongside your busy mental processes, ensuring you're not solely driven by the fast-paced, intellectual nature of Gemini. Embrace this time for intentional reflection and deliberate action, allowing Saturn's steadying influence to temper Gemini's rapid momentum.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead, and I'm already excited about what we'll explore in next week's email.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is:

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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