
Miss Wells

I Totally Manifested This Newsletter #1

Published about 2 months ago • 6 min read

In various cultures around the world, this time marks the celebration of the new year, a period when day and night find themselves in perfect balance. 🌜☀️

It heralds the onset of spring, a season of renewal and fresh beginnings. It's with this spirit of rejuvenation and possibility that I've chosen this Thursday to launch the inaugural issue of the "I Totally Manifested This Newsletter" newsletter.

This timing isn't coincidental but a thoughtful alignment with the transformative energy that surrounds us, encouraging us all to embark on new ventures.

We have the vernal equinox and a couple eclipses and nothing says renewal like those two events. 😂 (laughing and crying kind of thing because it’s about to get very interesting out there especially in May).

The purpose of this newsletter is to help you get through this sort of thing (the equinox and the eclipses and the manifestations and the heartbreaks and the love and the glory and the fear and all of it really).

I want to create a weekly email that has short bits of helpful tips and random concepts about vision boards both digital and traditional plus creative visualization but more on the bigger picture of all those things.

I want to help you stay tethered to your authentic self and not lose sight of what you think is truly important and help you express that and reinforce YOU as much as you can.

I have a particular design in mind for this newsletter and I’m sure it will change but it goes like this…

  1. Open with “what’s going on that is important this week to me, or (what I think might be important) to you, or to the world.”

    Then some kind of personal filler so you find out that I’m not an AI robot or a manifesting babe but in fact a fully grown-up sass of a woman who wants you to shine in whatever capacity you have available to you without the bank account and body of Beyonce.

  2. Then some kind of concept that I’ve been considering that I think would be helpful right about now. This coming from the ridiculous amount of time I spend reading, watching, meditating on, or expressing myself in some kind of art form.

  3. Plus, in the event that I’ve actually uploaded any kind of content.. Well you’d get a link to that and lots of celebratory emojis around it like this 🎉🥳👏🎈🎊 because I managed to tame my hair that day and go through the incredibly time consuming task of posting something/anything which took me away from working, reading, watching, and art making. And that’s BIG NEWS!

  4. Additionally, I'm eager to share some astrology insights for the upcoming weekend and week, specifically tailored to enhancing your vision board creations and best intentions in addition to manifesting advice on a global scale (yes.. Save the world 🌍.. No joke).

    With over three decades of experience in astrology, I understand the profound impact that having extra “inside” information can have on your manifesting and self-actualization work. I want to help you with that in any way I can.

Finding Hope in a Hue

The fact that I chose the first blush of spring to release this newsletter was very high up on a list of things to do to make sure that I change my life to what I want it to be.

The reason is that this spring was a high contrast to last winter which had several blows that almost took me out (a death, a tax issue, a break-up, sparse vision board clip art book sales, and I gained weight from looking at a box of cookies).

This “desperate” sense of renewal and creativity was also the inspiration behind my choice of fashion attire yesterday — a bright yellow blouse.

You see I actually worked on a video for my soon-to-launch YouTube channel and I had to wear CLOTHES😫 so I could look like a professional influencer-creator-manifesting type person and enhance my self-esteem.

Yellow, for me, is more than just a color; it's a symbol of hope and creativity, mirroring the vibrant energy of the sun and the cheerful bloom of daffodils.

It's a reminder that, just like the earth that awakens to the warmth of spring, we too can embrace the light within us and bring to life our most colorful dreams.

I reached for yellow with a very solid and firm (almost death-like) grip. You see, even though I'm a professional muse of sorts, the ability to inspire doesn't come from a place of perfect circumstances and an easy life. How could it I suppose?

I find it terribly difficult to share content and pop out of my busy life to actively take photos and videos and write captions and try to find keywords and constantly battle curly, frizzy uncontrollable hair.

But I want so much to teach and share in the creation of manifesting media, vision boards and art and music and magic and all that is good.

Okay. Enough… so we’ve established that I’ve completed the #3 (posting something and sharing that) of the newsletter outline we can now go into #4 which is the MY FAVORITE PART!!!!

Astrology for the weekend and the week
from Thursday March 21st until next Thursday which if you add 7 to 21 would be 28!!!

We're kicking off this astrology forecast with a spotlight on vision boards, perfectly timed as this weekend offers an exceptional opportunity to revisit your intentions and immerse yourself in your aspirations.

There's a fluid energy conducive to exploring grand visions, indulging in sensory pleasures, and embracing spiritual sensuality—a harmonious blend that sets the stage for either refining your existing vision board or making a new one.

If you missed the chance to create a vision board at the start of the year, this weekend presents an ideal moment to begin one, especially with the spring equinox upon us.

The current celestial alignment, featuring a delightful sextile of Venus and Jupiter, enhances our creative and visionary capacities.

And although Mars in Pisces suggests it might not be the prime time for actively pursuing your dreams, it does offer a splendid window for contemplation and planning, giving you a lot of energy thus allowing you to delve deep into the heart of your dreams and lay the groundwork for their realization.

Monday, March 25th, literally begins with a lunar eclipse that features Aries/Libra and Revival is the keyword here as Pluto trines into this and creates a fluid power to revitalize and manifest.

Plus with Jupiter continuing to sextile Venus and Saturn it keeps all of this energy grounded but very spiritual and big picture. It really is lovely in an energetic way.

For those of you who have a visualization practice, I suggest going deep into it and spend more time working with esoteric energy and envisioning and planning as the amount of friction is just not there to interfere with your frequency.

I would impress on the importance of taking this period of time from now thru next week as a time to sit and enjoy your intentions.

I also encourage you to make adjustments to balance realistic expectations with your more high brow intentions as both Saturn and Jupiter are evenly distributed to help you with that balancing act.

But mostly just enjoy the whole process on a sensual and spiritual level because the following week the tests will begin once again.

If you're interested in combining an astrological reading with your heartfelt manifesting intentions and learn how to work with both then:

Thank you for sticking with me to the end of this newsletter. I realize it was quite lengthy, but there was so much I wanted to share with you on this first endeavor.

I sincerely hope you discovered something valuable here. My aim is to continually provide insights and inspiration, so your feedback and suggestions are incredibly welcome.

Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any thoughts or comments you might have. Your input is truly valued.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead, and I'm already excited about what we'll explore in next week's email.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is:

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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