
Miss Wells

How to Manifest During Stressful Times #3

Published about 1 month ago • 5 min read

This issue is devoted to helping you make vision boards and manifest during stressful times.

The weather is improving here and the rains have pulled back for the season. I’ve been outside walking more and the photo below is something I captured in my neighborhood.

There’s a lot to the photo but I’m going to go with the caption that money doesn't grow on trees but shopping baskets do.

It's a reminder that when life's pressures mount, and retail therapy isn't an option, creativity and humor (or insanity) can still flourish.

This week from the Miss Wells Design Collection

I'd rather be manifesting t-shirt

Made from soft, breathable fabric, this tee is designed to keep you comfortable as you set your intentions and visualize your goals.

Manifesting During Stressful Times

In the face of uncertainty and stress, it's easy to feel constricted by the bombardment of daily worries. Our hopes and dreams may seem trivial or unattainable while we're caught in a cycle of what seems like endless turmoil.

Yet, it's precisely during these challenging periods that practicing manifestation and creating vision boards can prove to be most empowering.

I hope to encourage you to open up a nurturing space to explore how these practices can not only offer respite but also reignite hope and purpose.

When Stress Tightens Its Grip

Stress has a sneaky way of shrinking our worlds. Under its weight, we can feel smaller, our hopes dimmed, and the possibility of dreams seems almost whimsical. It's a constriction not just of hope—but of the self.

Amidst the chaos of 'doomsday scrolling' and relentless news cycles, we may find ourselves losing faith in the future—our personal futures—which can lead us to question our ability to attract positivity and growth.

Stopping the Cycle of Disbelief

When tomorrow feels uncertain, and today feels heavy, how do we maintain our belief in the beautiful potential of what could be?

It starts with a conscious decision to pivot away from external chaos and tune into our own desires and goals.

We must dare to stop the cycle of disbelief and remind ourselves that even amidst adversity, we can nurture personal aspirations.

Create Your Own Timeline

One of the profound realizations one must arrive at is the understanding that you can create your own timeline, independent of current events.

By fostering an environment that aligns with your true self, you open up to wishes and dreams that resonate with who you are—not what the outside world expects of you.

Manifesting during stressful times means establishing a narrative that thrives alongside, yet apart from, the surrounding uncertainty.

It's about identifying what brings you joy, peace, and a sense of purpose and using those insights to guide your visions for the future.

By taking the time to focus on creating a vision board or manifesting intentions, you remind yourself that your life is larger than the sum of external events. There is a place within you that remains untouched by chaos—a sanctuary where dreams can flourish.

Through this act you reconnect with this inner space, finding pockets of peace that allow you to focus on what happiness and meaning look like for you.

In doing so, you reclaim control over your well-being, crafting a vision of your life guided by hope and personal truth.

World Vision Board

Consider making a world vision board if you feel deeply affected by stressful times and the current state of events.

This unique type of vision board extends beyond personal goals and dreams, focusing on broader desires for the world at large—such as peace, environmental sustainability, global health, or social justice.

Creating a world vision board encourages you to think about the kind of world you wish to live in and the role you envision playing in its realization.

This process not only serves as a therapeutic escape from the immediate stresses but also connects you with a sense of purpose and global citizenship.

It can be incredibly empowering to visualize a future filled with hope, especially in times when the world seems fraught with challenges.

Additionally, a world vision board can inspire actionable steps towards contributing to global change, making it a beacon of motivation and a reminder that each individual has the power to make a difference.

Just as personal vision boards manifest individual desires, a world vision board has the potential to spark collective action and shared hope.

Extreme Loss

When grappling with the profound weight of extreme loss, the concept of manifesting assumes a new dimension.

It transforms into a nurturing process focused on healing, acceptance, and surrender—essential steps before one can even begin to contemplate manifesting a new reality.

Often regarded solely as a means to acquire or realize personal ambitions, manifesting, in its purest form, encompasses much more.

It invites a phase of introspection and alignment with one's current state of being, acknowledging that before we can look forward, we must first make peace with where we are.

This phase does not rush you towards the future but gently allows you to be present in your sorrow, offering solace and understanding.

It underscores the notion that manifesting isn’t always about striving for what we lack but sometimes about accepting what is, and healing from what was.

In doing so, it paves the way for a future where manifesting can once again become a tool for creation and self-realization, grounded in a renewed sense of purpose and a healed heart.

Astrology for Vision Board and Manifesting:
April 4-April 11, 2024

This week brings forth a powerful cosmic event: a solar eclipse on April 8th but the weekend that precedes it will be a moody, dreamy period of time as the Moon moves through imaginative Pisces and hits Mars, Saturn, Neptune then pops out in Aries going over Venus. Swinging mood changes and creative moodling is key for weekend.

On Monday this eclipse holds profound energetic significance, occurring in the fiery sign of Aries where the Sun finds its exaltation.

Additionally, the presence of Rahu and Chiron intensifies this celestial occurrence, adding an extra layer of potency to the cosmic mix.

Given the erratic nature of this energetic cocktail, I advise against engaging in manifesting rituals or making vision boards during this time.

Instead, embrace a more introspective investigative approach. From Sunday to Tuesday, journaling can serve as a powerful tool to connect with your desires and receive insights from the depths of your being.

This eclipse has healing energy from Chiron and it's a time to release that which no longer serves you or helps you get better. Rahu wants to propel you ambitiously forward and Chiron wants you to heal.

There is commonality here about making progress but it's done with two very different energies.

Moreover, Mercury retrograde adds another layer to reviewing what you want and how you want it and heal what ancient beliefs have been holding you back.

Take this opportunity to dive deep within yourself to commune with your deeper motivations needed to propel you closer toward your intentions. It's a great time to ignite the fire within.

For those who feel the urge to channel their energy through movement, immersing yourself in passionate and soulful music for dancing comes highly recommended to deal with all this intense energy and emotional changes in addition to walking in nature or taking in museums.

This expression is particularly appropriate where Mars (ruler of all that Aries eclipse action) finds itself in the more subdued and artistic waters of Pisces.

While Mars in Pisces can be dampening, it beautifully lends itself to more expressive and artistic forms of movement.

The rest of the week has the moon crossing over Jupiter than Uranus in Taurus which is perfect for spiffing up your manifesting routine and working with new moon energy to start a new cycle of realizing your intentions from April 8 to the next new moon which is May 7th.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is:

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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