5 Reasons to Love Vision Boards

In this issue, I'm excited to share my passion for vision boards! Whether you already have a vision board or are considering making one, I hope you'll find inspiration here.

There's no perfect time to create a vision board—any time is the right time. If you don't have one yet, now is the perfect moment to start. To help you get started, you can download my Vision Board Starter Pack and begin your journey today.

Let's bring your dreams to life. ✨💫

In last week's newsletter I mentioned that Charlie the dog was visiting me and that we were going to make a vision board. Here is a photo of us selecting images for his board from his favorite magazine.

Astrology forecast for this week is all Gemini all the time and how to deal with this wave of the twins and their challenges with Saturn and Neptune. Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to check that out.

You Are Positively Divine

Add a touch of divine elegance to your wardrobe with this t-shirt in various colors.

5 Reasons to Love Vision Boards

I absolutely love vision boards and let me tell you, the reasons behind my deep affection for them are quite diverse and somewhat intriguing. This is my vision board love story.

Vision boards remain a powerful tool for manifesting, however, as you will soon find out, vision boards helped me with self-actualization, and discovering hidden truths. They are magical in many ways and their benefits are unique to their creator.

Here are five main reasons why I love vision boards.

1. Vision Boards Can Become a Safe Place

They provide a place for deep introspection where you can reflect on your true self and both accept and celebrate what you want, free from any sense of shame or guilt.

You can be vulnerable with your desires - reinforcing how much you want what you want while allowing the limiting beliefs to come up and be felt through to begin the healing process.

One of the main reasons I love vision boards is because, as an artist, I faced negative comments and discouragement from both my family and society.

I was told that to become an artist was a journey that could potentially lead to poverty and shame, but I was determined to follow a creative path and embrace my true calling regardless of the consequences.

For decades now vision boards have become a safe space, allowing me to embrace my creative soul and maintain unwavering belief in myself, even when those I loved and my culture didn't quite understand or align with my aspirations.

I discovered that when I looked at a vision board I felt safe and in a sacred space. I felt safe from the world’s content. IT WAS MY CONTENT.

2. Making Vision Boards Is a Transcendent Experience and It’s Art

Creating vision boards is a deeply transcendent experience, mirroring the deep process of art-making. Just as an artist loses themselves in their work, making a vision board invites you to surrender control, allowing your creativity to flow freely.

This act is not just about arranging images on a board; it's about channeling a larger, more beautiful energy into the process. The result is a glorious display of your dreams, aspirations, and innermost thoughts, visually manifested.

This immersion into the creative process offers incredible insights and leads to the creation of truly magical vision boards. Each image is a testament to your life’s journey, your visions, and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

3. Relaxing Form of Self Care

When I conduct vision board workshops, I'm often met with the delightful revelation of how relaxing participants find the process.

Engaging in this creative endeavor provides a welcome respite from their daily hustle, allowing them to unwind and lose themselves in a world of images, colors, and dreams.

The act of sifting through materials, selecting resonant images, and arranging them on a board becomes a meditative practice. It slows down time, calms the mind, and invites a state of tranquility.
Participants often express a newfound sense of serenity, further reinforcing the therapeutic nature of creating vision boards.

4. Self Discovery and Surprising Insight

Vision Boards help me get clear on what I want and don’t want.

When I changed my direction from artist to musician then from musician to entrepreneur it was okay to release a vision board that no longer served me. They are a guide to lifestyles and values but they are not permanent documents.

I did this vision board once that had my photo in middle of it and then I drew many arms from myself like a Hindu Goddess - each hand holding a different instrument.

I saw how I was spreading myself out like that and my focus on painting was moving into a different direction. The vision board told me the story before I was truly aware of the shift. I had to really see this and realize I was transitioning and that a vision board can depict that too.

By the way.. It’s okay to have a vision board that doesn’t make sense to you for a while. The truth is in there and its message will be revealed in time.

The beauty of vision boards lies in their ability to tap into your subconscious, bringing to the surface dreams and desires you may not have consciously recognized.

If you've been truly present, open, and honest during the creation process, your vision board might surprise or even confound you initially. It might not be what you anticipated or immediately understood.

But remember, just as dreams unfold and become clear with time, so too will your vision board. With patience and introspection, its messages will become apparent, revealing insights that were previously hidden.

5. Vision Boards Work

Creating and arranging a vision board helps you clearly define what you want, making your goals more tangible and easier to achieve. By regularly seeing these visual reminders, you can boost your motivation and naturally gravitate towards actions and decisions that support your dreams.

Vision boards also keep your goals front and center, helping you stay motivated and focused. Placing your vision board where you see it often reinforces your aspirations daily.

This constant reminder can nurture a positive mindset, essential for overcoming challenges and keeping your momentum. Updating your vision board periodically allows you to track progress, celebrate achievements, and refine your goals, ensuring they remain relevant and inspiring.

I have lived an amazing creative life against the judgment of many including my own fears and emotions. I have been able to live a painter’s life for ten years and a musician for another ten years then an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley for another ten years.

The journey was challenging and took perseverance and a lot of belief but without the help of vision boards and creative visualization I doubt I would have experienced all this. I created, manifested and created some amazing things. And I know many other people who have done the same.

I encourage you to create your own vision board and experience firsthand how it can transform your goals into reality. Start today and watch as your dreams begin to take shape before your eyes.

CLICK HERE to download the Vision Board Starter Pack

Astrology Forecast: June 12-June 18

We continue to have a lot of Gemini energy in the mix, and this week, Mercury is strongly highlighted as he moves fast through his home sign of Gemini.

Gemini, represented by the twins, governs the mind and our thoughts—what we think and speak—as well as how we connect to the vast array of stimuli in our daily environment. It's the energy behind our daily tasks and errands, the mental busyness we feel as we manage our to-do lists. With the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter all in Gemini, this period can lead to heightened mental activity, potentially causing mental fatigue and overwhelm.

The increased mental busyness can become our norm, making us feel like we're constantly on the go, managing various mental and physical demands.

During this Gemini season, with its fast-paced energy and planetary squares to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, we're invited to reassess our lives. What can we let go of? Where do we need to pull back and ground ourselves? This period highlights the importance of making healthier choices for our overall well-being and recognizing mental loops and patterns that detract from our clarity and peace.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead, and I'm already excited about what we'll explore in next week's email.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is: hello@misswells.com

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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