10 Tips for Manifesting Summer Dreams

Welcome to a special summer edition newsletter, designed to help you manifest your best summer yet! In this edition, you'll find expert summer manifesting tips to guide you in turning your dreams into reality.

Plus, you can download a free Summer Vision Board Clip Art Book, packed with 20 pages of inspiring images and words to spark your creativity.

Don't miss out on the Miss Wells merch "Summer Dreams Come True" t-shirt. And for cosmic timing insights there's big Gemini-focused energy coming up this week to help sort out decisions and communicate with more pizzazz.

Unlock the Magic of Summer
FREE Vision Board Clip Art

With over 20 pages of art this printable pdf is your key to manifesting an unforgettable season. Download now and start creating your dream summer today!

Summer Vision Board Printable filled with fun words and vibrant pictures designed to express all the best of summer. Great for kids too!

Download the Summer Magic Printable Clip Art Book

To enhance the magic of this upcoming summer, the latest addition to the Miss Wells Design Collection is here: the Summer Dreams Come True t-shirt, available in a variety of vibrant colors.

Summer Dreams Come True

Wear the magic of summer with my "Summer Dreams Come True" t-shirt, featuring a delightful sun and genie lamp design. Perfect for sunny days and dreamy nights, this shirt captures the essence of a season where anything is possible.

10 Summer Manifesting Tips

Here are some hot ideas to leverage the unique manifesting energy that occurs during the summer season.

This time of year offers numerous opportunities to connect with your inner self and set your intentions with longer days and the world in full bloom.

Whether you're new to manifestation or looking to deepen your practice, this guide will help you harness summer magic to bring your desires to life.

As we reach the halfway mark of the year, it's an ideal time to update your intentions for the remainder of 2024 or review your vision board content. It's helpful to release intentions that have lost their energy and renew the ones you want to keep with fresh motivation or a different approach.

There are three summer manifesting approaches: the grasshopper, who diligently prepares for the fall; the butterfly, who undergoes a transformation (think of all those summer movies where the main character develops confidence or falls in love and is changed forever); and the dog days of summer, where you simply kick back, indulge in deep relaxation, until the fall kicks you back into the working world. And of course the hybrids in between.

I generally start to see my intentions from the new year (at least the ones that stuck around) take shape around the summer. I'm a grasshopper-type in the summer, where I like to work and prepare for the fall harvest.

My slack time is generally late winter, then in the spring I start a whirlwind of manifesting gusto then by the time summer hits I’m into a nice steady workflow.

The upcoming summer solstice (June 20-21), the longest day of the year, provides powerful energy for renewal and transition. Use this moment to reaffirm your vows for the year, release what isn't working, and prepare for the new opportunities ahead.

The summer is roughly a 90-day time period. 90-days is is short enough to maintain focus and momentum, but long enough to make significant progress. Also, businesses and organizations typically operate on quarterly cycles, making 90 days a natural fit for planning and executing projects.

Here are a few questions you can consider to make this summer a “themed event” and create some parameters and magic around it.

What overall feeling do you want to experience this summer? Think of some qualities you want to express such as freedom, abundance, healing, health, creativity, romance, or rest.

Is there a project or two you want to focus on? Do you see this as a busy ambitious summer or a relax and get away summer? What is the tone you want to set this season. Where is your energy pulling you? Do you feel like you need rest or do you feel inspired and motivated to get stuff done?

What would define “magical” for you this summer? Magic this summer could be defined by unforgettable moments that blend spontaneity with tranquility like diving into a new hobby or finally reading that stack of books, which leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

It’s the perfect balance between adventure and relaxation, where each day unfolds with a sense of wonder and possibility. What is your version of magic?

Here are the 10 tips to make your summer extra sparkle special:

Astrology Forecast: May 30-June 6

As Gemini season progresses, things are heating up, especially with Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus all lining up in Gemini. This week features Jupiter and Mercury trining Pluto in Aquarius. Take advantage of the ease of all that air sign blowing around this week as next week Saturn will begin challenging most of these planets and tone down the excitement.

This week is all about making clear choices to support your manifestations. With Gemini's influence, you'll have many opportunities to weigh in on how you feel about different possibilities that lay before you.

Focus on what truly aligns with your energy and what you no longer need. Avoid getting swept up in the busy-ness and instead, find clarity on what deserves your time and effort.

I encourage you to connect with your decision-making strategy and listen to your body's energy. Instead of rushing, take a moment to pause and feel what resonates with you.

Use your gut feelings and heart space instead of relying completely on your mind's immediate desires.

This is a dynamic week so go with it and enjoy the ride.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead, and I'm already excited about what we'll explore in next week's email.

All the best,
Melissa Meredith Wells

©2024 Melissa Meredith Wells LLC, All Rights Reserved
My email address is: hello@misswells.com

113 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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